Divine Science Centre UK

Truth Unchanging - Yesterday, Today, Forever
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The Divine Science Centre is a culmination of many years of study, meditation and prayer, an unending desire to know God and the unconditional love and support of the beloved souls who have so willingly shared their all with us along the way. 

Our vision is to create a space where we are able to offer those seeking to be lifted in consciousness, and experience a conscious living union with God, an opportunity to share with others on the same path - to be inspired, to discover Truth. 

For it is knowing and living Truth that sets us free from the constraints of human existence and the material world. When we realise our true relationship to God and attain a measure of the Christ Consciousness, we are able to live our lives and meet all lifes challenges from within - ''not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit''.

We are pleased to offer ourselves in service to others in whatever way may be needed - religious ceremonies, spiritual counselling, healing prayer, meditation classes, study groups - and to work with those who wish to undertake the Divine Science tuition courses.

Rev. David & Rev. Ishbel Bailey

DSFI Licenced Divine Science Ministers; Licenced teachers - The Divine Science School, Washington DC.

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  Divine  Science  Federation  International