Divine Science Tuition

Truth Unchanging - Yesterday, Today, Forever
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Basic Studies for personal growth as well as
Advanced Training for Teachers, Practitioners
(Spiritual Counsellors) and Divine Science Ministers
The tuition offered provides expert instruction for those interested in inner growth to enrich their spiritual lives and, through gaining an understanding of universal laws, create a much more fulfilling life experience.
For those interested in service as well as knowledge and personal growth, advanced training is offered in teacher training, Practitioner work (Spiritual Counselling) and the Divine Science Ministry.
As licensed teachers for the Divine Science School in Washington DC, and in association with the school, we offer tuition in the classes listed below.
These classes are (where practical) available by personal attendance in class, and by correspondence - either email or regular post. When taken in a class situation, each course lasts 10 weeks. If a course is taken by correspondence, the student can progress with the course at a pace he/she finds comfortable.
A certificate is given upon successful completion of each course of study and, after the six Basic Courses have been completed, a Divine Science Graduate Certificate is awarded to the student.
Principal Course of Study

The 6 principal courses are:


* Basic Principles of Divine Science

* Spiritual Psychology

* Meditation

* Bible Meaning - Old Testament

* Bible Meaning - New Testament

* Higher Training and Consecration

 Basic Principles of Divine Science
This class is a pre-requisite for the other five classes in the basic course of study. The class explores the extraordinary implications of a belief in the Omnipresence of God, God everywhere, in everyone. It teaches a way of life that reveals, through personal experience, your God given inner powers and spiritual destiny. 


Prerequisite – Basic Principles of Divine Science.

Quieting the mind, focusing the attention, listening to God and being acutely aware of His Living Presence within us is the focus of these lessons.
Spiritual Psychology
Prerequisite – Basic Principles of Divine Science.
An examination of the relationship between human and Divine Mind. The Spiritual Psychology class examines the relationship between physical, mental and Spiritual aspects of life and the unfoldment process as we progress our understanding of Truth. We look at the ‘right use’ of mind in attracting abundance in all forms, and achieving inner serenity and spiritual growth.
Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning,
Old Testament
Prerequisite – Basic Principles of Divine Science
In this study of the Old Testament – historically, symbolically, and metaphysically – the student sees a clear picture of humankind’s growing understanding of the nature of God – the story of every Soul’s spiritual unfoldment.
Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning,
New Testament
Prerequisite – Basic Principles of Divine Science & Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning Old testament
The focus of these lessons is an in-depth study of the inner meaning of the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, a Master of Life and our Wayshower and Teacher and places emphasis on the realisation of the Spiritual nature of man. 
Higher Training and Consecration
Prerequisite – All of the 5 preceding basic classes.
This deeper study emphasizes Oneness - the Perfect Love, Wisdom and Abundance of God, present in us, expressing through us, as us.
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Tuition fees: For each of the above classes is £35. It is necessary to purchase a copy of “Divine Science: It’s Principles and Practice” for use in conjunction with the Basic Principals Class. This will cost £9.50 inclusive of postage.
If you would like to just order the book without partaking in the classes, you are more than welcome to do so.
Enrolment/Registration: Please contact us and we will send you a registration form 
Advanced Training
(After completion of the 6 Principal courses)
For those who wish to continue their Divine Science studies after completion of the 6 principal courses and who are further called to be of service, Advanced Training is available directly through the Divine Science School in Washington DC.
Licensed Teacher
Mastery of the material and teaching that is dedicated to clearly conveying one or more of the basic courses, is the focus of this course.
Divine Science Practitioner
Lessons cover spiritual counselling methods, teaching others the beliefs that bring healing, and practicing the art of prayer, realisation and release.
Ministerial Studies
Are available to dedicated individuals who are demonstrating the Truth in their own lives and who desire to serve God and his/her neighbour through the ministry. An intense week of study on site is followed by a practicum of up to two years.