Healing Prayer

Truth Unchanging - Yesterday, Today, Forever
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Divine Science teaches and adheres to the principles of true spiritual healing as was practised by Jesus Christ. Through applying these principles in prayer, it is as possible today to bring about healing of body, mind, and affairs as it was in Jesus’ time.
The Purpose of healing is not merely to relieve pain or discomfort, lack or limitation, or bring harmony to our affairs. It is to bring our mentality into a consciousness of it''s true relationship with God.  Health is not brought about by thinking but is the eternal state of being.  Being whole - not becoming whole - must be our realisation. 
If you wish to be remembered in prayer personally, or to place someone else on the prayer list, please make your request by giving us your name, or the name of the person on whose behalf you are making the request. It is not necessary to give details of why you wish to be remembered in prayer, but you may do so if you wish.